Wireless Base Station Not Found
When I plug my Wireless Base Station into my PC, and Run the intelliRock software and start the Wireless Control panel, the Wireless base station does is not seen.
When the intelliRock 1.6.0097 Software is loaded onto your PC, the USB drivers for the Wireless base station are not installed.
Installing my Wireless Base Station USB driver: (Admin Rights Required)
1. Shut down intelliRock Software.
2. Plug the Base station USB cable into the PC.
3. Open the Windows Device manager.
4. You will expect to see an entry in the Windows Device manager under OTHER devices called USB to Serial and it will have a yellow mark on it. To confirm that this is the Base Station, unplug the USB cable, the entry should go away. Plug the USB cable back into the PC.
5. Right-Click on this entry in the Device manager and chose UPDATE Driver. Do not let Windows look for the driver, select BROWSE.
6. Browse to this folder for Windows 7 or 8:
C:\Program Files (x86)\intelliRock
7. Select the Drivers folder (do not Double-click on this folder) Click OK and NEXT.
8. Unplug the USB cable and then plug it back in. Reexamine the Windows Device manager. If you see this entry under PORTS, you are done:
(your COM port number may be different)
If you do not see this entry you need to perform the UPDATE Driver routine once more as described above. NOTE: if you COM port is COM17 or greater, you will need to Change it to a COM port number of 16 or lower. Usually COM2 is available.
9. Unplug the Wireless Base Station, Start the intelliRock software, then plug in the Base Station.
10. Click on Wireless menu and open the Wireless Control Panel. The Base Station should now be recognized.
Note: It is recommended that you attached the AC adapter to the Wireless base station rather than relying on the USB power. Especially if you are using a remote antenna.