FLIR Science Camera Rental Program

The FLIR R&D/Science Camera Rental Program allows easy access to some of the world's best high-end infrared camera without the need to purchase new equipment. Whether an infrared camera is need for a quick test or longer programs, renting provides a flexible option to fill short-term equipment needs.


Renting lets you,

  • Conserve capital by paying infrared camera rental expenses on an as-needed basis
  • Cover downtime when a camera you own needs repair or recalibration
  • Avoid the costs of ownership such as depreciation, maintenance, and recalibration
  • Maintain the flexibility to rent the newest infrared cameras on the market
  • Try a camera system prior to purchase
  • Manage temporary spikes in workload
  • Handle rapid scaling or business expansion

When renting an infrared camera, you enjoy the same expert assistance and support from the FLIR Team as when purchasing cameras.


Typical Science Camera Rental Terms

Camera Model

1-Week Rental

1-Month Rental

All Cooled Science Cameras
(A67XXsc, X-Series, etc.)
5% of cost 4 x Weekly Rate
Lens Rental - Cooled Cameras 5% of cost 4 x Weekly Rate
All Uncooled Science Cameras
(A325sc, T5xx, A655sc, T6xx, T1K, etc.)
10% of cost 4 x Weekly Rate
Lens Rental – Uncooled Cameras 10% of cost 4 x Weekly Rate


FLIR offers a 50% Rental Credit on Science Camera Rentals that can be applied to the purchase of a similar or better camera within 90 days of the end of the rental period. Credit is limited to 3-months of rental fees.


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